Matrix Re-Imprinting

Matrix Re-Imprinting - Polaroid Pictures with hand

What is Matrix Re-Imprinting?

Matrix Re-Imprinting is a technique used during the EFT sessions which allows us to work with the younger self, examine our core beliefs that were formed, and change thought patterns. We are able to get specific and identify our core beliefs quickly. What belief/decision was made at this time? Does this belief/decision about life still serve me? We look at how is this belief may be affecting various areas of your life.

Why do we go back in time to work with our younger self?

When a person has experienced a trauma or painful experience in their life, the younger self often is trapped within a traumatic memory.  We do EFT/tapping on the younger self to release the shock and the overwhelming feelings (i.e fear, betrayal, violation, isolation, neglect, confusion, shame). We tap to release whatever distress the younger self was feeling, create a resolution, and re-imprint a new positive picture. 

Why do we create a new picture?

This is NOT the same as denying that a traumatic event happened. We are removing the energy of the trauma and changing any negative beliefs that may have formed at that time- about themselves or about the world. This process allows us to uncover and ‘re-write’ any core negative beliefs that resulted from this painful memory/experience.  This simple re-imprinting process results in a new picture that actually feels like a real memory—one that essentially overwrites the old, traumatic scene.

The Result.

Re-imprinting simply means overwriting our original “writing on the walls.”  This process releases old, negative beliefs and creates new positive beliefs; this sends a message to the body that the trauma is over.  We can stop creating events or drawing certain circumstances to ourselves based on these negative beliefs. Many scientists now believe that our ideas and concepts are more likely to be responsible for creating all that we see around us in the physical world.   Basically, we attract life experiences by what we send out and project through our thoughts and feelings. By creating a new, positive picture, we can stop the cycle of negative, recurring patterns in our lives.

Research -

Can Matrix Reimprinting Be Effective in the Treatment of Emotional Conditions in a Public Health Setting? Results of a U.K. Pilot Study