Tapping for Truth offers an energetic healing tool to cut through to the root of the issue you’re experiencing; these techniques help you discover what is authentically right for you.  I provide support to couples and individuals in creating the most harmonious relationships possible.

People seeking to have a better relationship, navigate challenges in an existing relationship, or heal from a break up/divorce so they can move forward and live a life of joy and purpose.

By clearing old patterns, clearing the negative thoughts and conditioning, we can have a healthier relationship with ourselves and others.


The EFT process gives you permission to feel.  We first have to feel it, then process it, and then finally let it go and release it.  Once we allow emotions, thoughts, feelings to move through, we can see the truth of it. What’s at the root? Where did I learn that? When did I begin to feel that way? Is there a pattern? EFT is an organic process to which peels back the layers to identify and clear negative core beliefs/limiting beliefs and re-write them.


When we have the permission to feel something and process it, we can finally let it go and release it.  Once we allow emotions, thoughts, feelings to move through, we can see the truth of it. What’s at the root? Where did I learn that? When did I begin to feel that way? Is there a pattern?

I love the integrated approach of merging both EFT and Human Design. Because when bad things happen, it’s common to identify with our experiences, blurring the line between what is ours and what is a result of the conditioning or trauma that was experienced. This is where Human Design helps us to know what is our authentic self, our true nature, so we can begin to let go of what isn’t ours and live from our true essence.


In Kundalini yoga, Sat Nam is a greeting and mantra which simply means “I am truth.”   The deeper meaning being, “truth is my essence.”  This seed mantra activates the energy system, and in this way, Sat Nam is about expressing your true identity.  

I established my business as Tapping For Truth because I believe EFT is all about clearing out what isn’t true for you, or isn’t really you, so you can live from your true essence. 

Let’s live out our purpose of what we came here to do.