ABOUT EFT / Tapping

What is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping) and how does it work?

Emotional Freedom Techniques, which is also known as EFT or Tapping, brings together Chinese Acupressure and Modern psychology. 

EFT is often called emotional acupuncture because it combines gentle tapping on key acupuncture points while focusing your thoughts on physical pain, unhappy memories, uncomfortable emotions, traumas, fears/phobias, or any other problem you want to resolve.

When we tap on these meridian points while consciously tuning into the current problem, we intentionally stir up the issues in two different ways: first by verbalizing them and secondly by tapping specific acupressure points.

This is why EFT is so different from talk therapy- not only are we utilizing our Cerebral (rational, thinking) brain by speaking the issues aloud, but we’re also tapping on the meridians, which accesses the Limbic (emotional, non-verbal) brain, which is where fear, trauma, and uncomfortable emotions/ the deeper layers are held.

Tapping creates a spark that zips through our meridians (the pathways in the body through which energy flows) balancing the “disruptions” in our system.  

EFT is a reliable, effective process that works quickly. We start with your present issue, but through rounds of tapping, we peel back the layers, until eventually we get to the root of the issue– a negative core belief, limiting belief or traumatic memory, which can be cleared.

Through this process, we reduce the intensity of the emotions related to the issue, reduce cortisol (the stress hormone), and balancing the “disruptions” in our system overall. 

When our nervous system is in a calm state, when blocks are cleared and the energy can flow, we can have a healthier relationship with ourselves and others and live a more authentic, joyful life.


What is Human Design and how does it work?

Human Design is based on the Science of Differentiation and composed of concepts including Western astrology, the I-Ching, the Hindu Chakra System, and the Kabbalah tree of life.

Using your birth information, we obtain your unique energetic blueprint. This is revealed through a “bodygraph;” an energetic map of your soul which illuminates your gifts, how to live out your gifts, and what you came here to do. It also describes how your energy works, how you can best make decisions, and how you can step into your highest potential.

By understanding the answers to these questions, Human Design guides you toward aligning with your authentic self and tap into the potential of your soul.


  • Your Human Design profile can help you understand how your energy works and how it’s best used. It also gives you a strategy: your inner authority which helps you navigate decision making and choices in life. The Body Graph, based on your birth information, is an energetic map of the body. There are nine centers or “energy hubs” on the body graph. The centers can be defined or undefined and have certain gates (gifts). Through the analysis of your chart, you can understand your gifts, identify challenges and the strategies to work through them.

    You learn how to use your energy in alignment with your gifts/strengths. Tap into the potential of your soul. What are you here to do in this life? What is your purpose? Let’s discover how you can best live out your gifts while you’re here.

  • EFT helps alleviate anything from physical pain, anxiety, depression, fear (both real and imagined fears), phobias, grief/loss. EFT addresses and clears uncomfortable emotions or painful memories.. It It has also been known to eliminate symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

  • Sessions can be conducted either in-person or online via Zoom.

  • EFT is just as effective online as it is in person. You will get the same benefits whether were face to face or if we meet virtually.

  • After my initial FREE 20 minute consultation, I offer 90 minute sessions, in-person or online.

  • Everyone is different as to the degree to which their problem affects them/their lives. Some problems can be resolved in a single session, while other issues that are deeply programmed may take multiple sessions to resolve, This will be discussed in our initial consultation.

  • When we focus on the negative thoughts while tapping, we’re actually talking to the subconscious mind. By speaking the negative thoughts, we’re not anchoring them in our bodies/minds but rather acknowledging them so they can be released. We’re “stirring up’ these energy disruptions so we can discharge the emotion associated with the current issue you are experiencing.

  • In the case of especially painful memories, we use an advanced technique within the modality of EFT called Matrix Re-imprinting.

    It is based on the concept that anytime we have gone into the fight, flight, or freeze response, we hold an imprint of that in our bodies, in our energy field. This can cause negative thoughts and feelings related to past memories, disruptions, problems, and sometimes unhealthy patterns in your present life. 

    When a difficult memory is located through the process of EFT, we can then change the memory (the “picture”). This serves to clear any pain or limiting beliefs that were formed at that time, and the new picture allows the subconscious mind to know the issue is resolved.