The Current with Nadia Last | EFT Tapping Explained

In this insightful episode of The Current, Amy shares her personal journey into the world of EFT, explaining how it facilitated her own healing and led to a career shift. The conversation delves into the specifics of EFT, its benefits, and how it integrates with Human Design. Amy provides a comprehensive explanation of the EFT process, including a demonstration of tapping points and a real-time exercise to address Nadia's experiences feeling hyper vigilance in cars due to an car accident she experienced in high school.

The episode offers listeners an in-depth understanding of EFT's role in addressing various issues like trauma, anxiety, depression, and phobias. Additionally, Amy discusses the significance of uncovering and addressing core beliefs through EFT.


Wellness Empowerment Project | What is EFT Tapping?


Wellness + Wisdom | Become Your Own Healer