EFT : Single Session


Identify the root of your main issue

Release heavy feelings and unexpressed emotions

Clear core negative beliefs that are holding you back

EFT works by identifying the current problem so we can get to what’s really underneath. In this 1:1 session, bring a specific issue you’d like to work through.  As we tap, we will peel back the layers, work through emotions that arise and locate any other negative and/or limiting beliefs along the way. Through this process, we get to the root of the issues and clear these beliefs so they they longer hold us back.


  • 90-Minute Session held over Zoom

  • You will receive an intake form upon booking

  • You will receive an email within 24 hours of booking to schedule your session

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Identify the root of your main issue

Release heavy feelings and unexpressed emotions

Clear core negative beliefs that are holding you back

EFT works by identifying the current problem so we can get to what’s really underneath. In this 1:1 session, bring a specific issue you’d like to work through.  As we tap, we will peel back the layers, work through emotions that arise and locate any other negative and/or limiting beliefs along the way. Through this process, we get to the root of the issues and clear these beliefs so they they longer hold us back.


  • 90-Minute Session held over Zoom

  • You will receive an intake form upon booking

  • You will receive an email within 24 hours of booking to schedule your session

Identify the root of your main issue

Release heavy feelings and unexpressed emotions

Clear core negative beliefs that are holding you back

EFT works by identifying the current problem so we can get to what’s really underneath. In this 1:1 session, bring a specific issue you’d like to work through.  As we tap, we will peel back the layers, work through emotions that arise and locate any other negative and/or limiting beliefs along the way. Through this process, we get to the root of the issues and clear these beliefs so they they longer hold us back.


  • 90-Minute Session held over Zoom

  • You will receive an intake form upon booking

  • You will receive an email within 24 hours of booking to schedule your session


“I’m mentally & emotionally feeling the best I’ve ever felt in at least 2-3 years, seriously.  It’s like I’ve finally shifted from a scarcity to abundance mindset & my nervous system is now better regulated.”   -BR

“I feel in the flow versus force. Is this how “normal” people feel? It feels really good and I’d like to maintain this life moving forward!!! “  -LR

“I’m feeling the best I’ve ever felt in my life mentally, emotionally and physically.  I feel at peace which is exactly how I wanted to feel.  Thank you for helping me release some blocks prior to one of my biggest days of my life & look forward to unblocking more with you! “  -KP

“Sending a huge thanks for the session with you. Things turned around so quickly being free of some emotions that had been weighing heavily on my mind and heart. My energy came back with some to spare and several people commented on my looking beautiful this week...I haven't heard or felt that in a very long time !!” -SP

“This is the first time in my life I felt for real sad….I realized my sadness, allowed myself to be sad, and gave myself permission to feel this way.  …And then it begins to change you when you start practicing this technique (EFT).  You go through the thick of it and then move through the feelings.” - JP

“I have already felt shifts around public speaking and fear of the unknown. Thanks so much! -EW

“Amy is a very gifted healer. Not only is she patient, kind, and genuinely interested in your well-being, she is also very effective! I ended up purchasing multiple sessions with her because it just made sense to keep going and clearing those blocks. I highly recommend tapping as a healing tool, and Amy is your girl.”  - EJ

“I’ve been feeling great since our session. Strangely, even things with my dad have improved. He seems calmer and less agitated, and today was my mom’s birthday, and we both made it through with grace and reflection.I am really looking forward to our next session. It was so peaceful and wonderful last time; I am so so grateful to you!”

“Having you in my life has helped me tremendously.  Thank you for your style of work and genuine ability to face things head-on with me.”  – LR

“I must say I’m feeling GREAT!  I can’t really explain it but I feel more myself than I have in a long time. It’s amazing. I hope this feeling continues to grow and become the new norm.”-CC

“The things that you helped me tap through have resolved 100%. Thanks again for giving me hope that tapping and time would make a difference.” -SP

“I got an executive producer job offer today! I'm quite pleased about it. Ready and open for the challenge.   And after just one tapping session on Sunday with Amy Piper, I do feel I was able to let go of some blocks and feel really good about this opportunity. Like we’ll have the security of the income and I’ll still be able to pursue my passion project, simply by focusing my energy towards it.” -AM

“Dear Amy-  I did feel a significant shift – noticing just a small passing anxiety last Saturday before my class and had many requests for readings this week so it feels that something has shifted. It feels like such a relief to have repatterned this deep wound and I've been holding the new ‘idea’ in my heart every day in yoga. Things have felt better with my parents as well.”

“Amy, it went so well. I can hardly talk about it because I almost can't believe it.   -ME (overcame fear of flying x 2 session of EFT)

”I FLEW TWICE BY MYSELF! Can you believe it?! It just kind of hit me. Less than a year ago I couldn't even imagine getting on a plane and now I am flying by myself?! What?!”  -ME

“The things that you helped me tap through have resolved 100%. Thanks again for giving me hope that tapping and time would make a difference.” -SP

“It feels so good to let it out”  PR, 7 ½  years old

“I think of you a lot…and how I got to where I am now.  My husband and I are in a groove.  My guard is down with him and it’s different.  We cook together and laugh daily.  If we bicker, an hour later we are talking about it and being honest with each other. It’s tons different! And I got a huge raise at work! After deciding that I’m not holding back anymore.”   -LR

"The guest lecture that we had with Amy about procrastination also helped me profoundly. The first time I listened to the class, I almost cried. I was very touched, knowing that I was not at fault. I felt relieved after admitting my vulnerability. I have recorded that class, and I would try from time to time to go through the process of tapping and comforting myself. The process only takes two or three minutes. I would do it when I procrastinated to the point where my stomach hurts due to stress. The first minute I did, I would feel anxious. But I would feel much better during the second and third minutes. If I still feel inadequate after the process, I would do it again. Generally, after two times, I would feel much better. I am not sure if my productivity improved, but my stomach did not hurt as often as before." - YY

I got an executive producer job offer today! I'm quite pleased about it. Ready and open for the challenge.   And after just one tapping session on Sunday with Amy, I feel I was able to let go of some blocks and feel really good about this opportunity. Like we’ll have the security of the income and I’ll still be able to pursue my passion project, simply by focusing my energy towards it.

I feel like I've been holding off waiting so long to step into my destiny…But with everything I've been embodying and remembering the past few months I knew it was just time to BE what I had been searching for and waiting to become. I couldn’t have done it without your guidance and work together over the past few years.  -VE

Sending a huge thanks for the session with you on Monday. Things turned around so quickly being free of some emotions that had been weighing heavily on my mind and heart. My energy came back with some to spare and several people commented on my looking beautiful this week...I haven't heard or felt that in a very long time = ) Have had a really great week, even though it's been one of the busiest ones.

I’ve been feeling great since our session. Strangely, even things with my dad have improved. He seems calmer and less agitated, and today was my mom’s birthday, and we both made it through with grace and reflection. I am really looking forward to our next session. It was so peaceful and wonderful last time; I am so so grateful to you! -KT